Saturday, February 15, 2014

The volsfare : Carlos

Yuks mari sedikit mengenal para volsfare SFC.

Kali ini dimulai dari Carlos.

pria yang masih duduk di bangku kelas 3 SMA walau masih muda namun sangat concern dengan dunia pendidikan. Yuks mari kita baca pendapatnya tentang kegiatan SFC ini. :)


Remember how we complain about how tough we think our classes are at school? I do, but then it changed. If life is about giving, what holds us back from doing it then? Willingness.

Last year, I was talking to my old friend whom I had not met in years. She was the right person at the right time! When I was telling all what I thought I would do to improve my society in Lombok, she told me about an amazing social project she has been doing with four other friends. Without thinking, I joined, and we went to this village called “Segenter” the next morning. The social program I was interested in was the improvement of education in rural areas where the access of education is still the main issue that needs to be solved first in order to address the other issues growing in the society.

What was it like in Segenter?

Not far from where I live, Mataram, Segenter was just like how I see documentary movie in Africa about lack of education. As the excitement brought me there, not a single second left without a smile naturally painted in my face. The school was called “De Koning School” which was initially just a donated building by a Dutch visitor, as it struggled with the facility they had at the school, we came to lend our hands by providing free English education to all of the children.

Why English?

To inspire the children about this gigantic world when they sail from North to South pole. World is not only in Segenter, we wanted them to move out from their comfort zone and start competing in the world by sharpening their skill, education has the answer. By that, they can be whatever they want to be.

What encourages all of the volunteers?

Driving three hours away, letting go of a good Sunday with friends and family or keeping a good mood when dealing with little children has never stopped us from accomplishing this mission. I know we may not be the best teachers with the best degree a university can offer, but see, this is what we give, this is how we think we can thank the world and God for a good life we have without ever trying hard to get.

Should anyone get involved?

As we are expanding, we already opened a new mini-school in Semokan Ruak Village, Sukadana, North Lombok. Not like a fancy school, just two classrooms with bamboo as the wall. We tried to help more children in some new areas we found in need of education. So our small team is divided into two groups who are responsible for particular village. So we want to keep this chain of kindness to be tightly held by everyone who is now and will be on this boat.
I, Muhammad Carlos, as one of the volunteers, would like to call anyone who reads this post and becomes interested in joining  this social service. Please contact us here 


Keren yah?

Hidup keren itu bukan gaya-gayaan dengan materi atau sejenisnya... tetapi ketika kita bisa berbagi kebaikan kepada sesama.
seperti carlos tadi.

Karena apa? 


~karena berbagi tak pernah rugi ~

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